Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue

Buena Depth Cu插件介绍

Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1由 Rowbyte 公司出品,他们公司著名点线粒子插件Plexus大家可能不陌生,

镜头真实Z景深插件 Rowbyte Buena Depth Cue v2.5.1也算得到一款强大的插件,

Buena Depth cue包含一系列插件,可以在AE中模拟真实景深效果,包含Z通道的使用等

Buena Depth cue is a collection of powerful plug-ins that allows AE artists to create visual depth in their projects with an innovative workflow and mimic Z-depth in a unique way. They are designed to handle a variety of factors surrounding common sense manipulation of the critical half-dimension.

插件支持 Win 系统下:AE  CS6-CC 2014,插件为一键安装即用

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