In this 5 hour tutorial, I will show you how to create this scene in Blender step by step.In addition to Blender, which is covered in most tutorials, we will also use Reality Capture for photo-scanning and Photoshop for creating Bump and Roughness maps. If you are not using any of these programs, no problem because I will share with you the photo scans and maps used in the tutorial. If you are interested in creating realistic scenes and film design, this is the course for you.Blender 3 + Reality Capture Futuristic Movie Scence Files

在这个5 小时的教程中,将逐步向您展示如何在Blender中创建这个场景。除了大多数教程中介绍的Blender之外,我们还将使用Reality Capture进行照片扫描,使用Photoshop创建凹凸和粗糙度贴图。如果您不使用这些程序中的任何一个,没问题,因为我将与您分享教程中使用的照片扫描和地图。如果您对创建逼真的场景和电影设计感兴趣,这门课程适合您。国外教程有英文字幕。

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