VideoCopilot Pixel Screen Experiment

Adobe教程专区 After Effects教程

AK-VideoCopilot Pixel Screen Experiment|AE科技感LED像素效果制作教程

VideoCopilot Pixel Screen Experiment教程介绍 一个非常有趣的科技感LED像素效果AE教程 VideoCopilot Pixel Screen Experiment 教程由AK大师讲解,均由AE内置插件完成简单易懂, 用ramp(渐变)制作了摄像机景深效果, 教程为创意思路示意教程,非详细的参数控制教程,内含工程文件。   Here is a fun experiment I created to simulate cool LCD Pixel effects using built-in plug-ins only! It uses the Camera Lens Blur effect along with a...