

Blender 插件中心

Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V6.4.3|Blender花草树木植物绿化模型预设

一套不断优化和逼真的3D植被(主要是树木和草丛)的图书馆。它具有各种树木,草,花卉,杂草,棕榈,多肉植物,灌木,杂草,植物和花盆,以实现建筑可视化,环境设计,森林渲染,园林绿化或任何其他可能使用多种多样绿化的场景。还添加新功能,例如风吹动画,不同级别的细节,树木绘画等。 Tree library Botaniq is an ever-expanding library of optimized & realistic 3D vegetation – mostly trees and grass. It features a variety of Trees, Grass, Flowers, Weed, Palms, Succulents, Shrubs, Weeds, Plants and Pots for Architectural Visualization, Environmental Design,...
Blender 插件中心

True-Sky V1.0|Blender三维空间真实天空模拟插件

一款功能齐全的天空模拟工具,它经过了多次迭代,可从首次设计云,到创建天空,再到大气。能够模拟晚上或白天的天空,还可以添加云朵或大气等效果。 True-Sky is a full-featured Sky tool that’s been in development since October 2021, It’s been through many iterations, been through 100s of hours of testing from when we first designed the clouds, to creating the skies, and then the...