
Adobe专区 After Effects

FilmConvert Pro 2.14+全摄像机预设包|AE/PR数字转胶片调色插件

FilmConvert Pro插件介绍 FilmConvert Pro 是一款将数字摄影机拍摄的素材色彩转换成胶片色彩的工具,可作为独立程序,也可以作为第三方插件, 插件支持win系统:  After Effects CS5.5,CS6,CC、 Premiere CS5.5,CS6,CC 适用素材 RED,DSLR,MOV,内置19种胶片预设,8MM-35MM 镜头噪点设置, 操作流程简单,支持4K输出。 本插件支持 AE、PR,需要CS5.5,CS6,CC 或者更高版本。   Ever since the introduction of Digital Cameras digital evangelists have been saying how Film would eventually be superceeded and replaced. After...
Adobe专区 After Effects

Epic Cinema&Old Vintage Presets Mac/Win |AE复古和电影调色预设包

Epic Cinema&Old Vintage Presets预设介绍 creativedojo 机构出品的一套AE高级调色预设,包含电影质感调色预设套装和复古怀旧的调色预设套装, 多种调色预设,可以直接使用和手动控制和调整, 调色预设包适用于 Mac 和 Win 电脑系统下的:After Effects CS4,CS5,CS6,CC 或者更高版本。   First of all, the Dojo Packs are officially released! Cinema Impact, now called Epic Cinema, has been updated with more presets, additional controls, tweaks,...
Blender 插件中心

Eyebrow & Eyelash Pack|Blender睫毛眉毛预设包

各包含10组睫毛和眉毛预设,.blender和OBJ格式。支持软件Blender 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91 The Eyebrow pack consists of 10 different eyebrows that you can easily and quickly put on any character, edit and animate. Eyelash Pack is a bundle of 10 different eyelashes, both realistic and...