
Adobe专区 Ps/Lr

Imagenomic Portraiture 3.5.1 for Mac|Photoshop人像润色磨皮美颜插件

Imagemonic Portraiture 3.5.1插件介绍 Imagemonic Portraiture 是一款比较经典和强大的 Photoshop 人像润色磨皮滤镜, 用于人像图片润色,减少了人工选择图像区域的重复劳动, 它能智能地对图像中的皮肤材质、头发、眉毛、睫毛等部位进行平滑和减少疵点处理。 款滤镜效果很不错的,处理速度也很快速,很智能。 Imagenomic has released the Portraiture 3 plug-in for Photoshop. The next-generation skin smoothing, healing and enhancing software builds on the tech of Version 2, with twice the speed and...
Adobe专区 Ps/Lr

Imagenomic Portraiture 3.0.3 build 3037 Win/Mac版|Photoshop人像润色磨皮插件

Imagenomic Portraiture 3.0.3插件介绍 Imagemonic Portraiture 是一款比较经典和强大的 Photoshop 人像润色磨皮滤镜, 用于人像图片润色,减少了人工选择图像区域的重复劳动, 它能智能地对图像中的皮肤材质、头发、眉毛、睫毛等部位进行平滑和减少疵点处理。 款滤镜效果很不错的,处理速度也很快速,很智能。 Portraiture for dobe Lightroom eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by-pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. Imagenomic’s Portraiture is a powerful but...