DaVinci Resolve 12 正式版版,提供专业剪辑、多机位、音频插件、3D Keyer、3D跟踪器等功能
现在 DaVinci Resolve 12 版本为之前的 Lite 免费版
专业版的名称更新为 DaVinci Resolve Studio
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 新功能:
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 是一个大规模的更新,超过1000增强效果和250种新特性,给编辑和制作提供十多种新编辑和修剪工具,
令人难以置信的新媒体管理和组织功能,新的重定时效果,增强关键帧控制,屏幕上的文本编辑,新加入更多 ResolveFX 插件:胶片颗粒,光晕耀斑,镜头模糊,扫光光线等,还有更多其他新功能 !
重新设计的节点编辑器是更容易直观的使用,有新的HDR评分工具,大大改善了降噪,镜头畸变校正,一个完全重新设计提供页面输出项目和一个新的融合连接命令之间的往返视觉特效镜头,解决 DaVinci Resolve 和Fusion 之间的协
What’s New in DaVinci Resolve 12.5
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 is a massive update with over 1,000 enhancements and 250 new features that give editors and colorists dozens of new editing and trimming tools, incredible new media management and organization functions, new retiming effects, enhanced keyframe controls, on-screen text editing, new ResolveFX plug-ins and much more! The re-designed node editor is easier and more intuitive to use, there are new HDR grading tools, vastly improved noise reduction, lens distortion correction, a completely redesigned Deliver page for outputting projects and a new Fusion Connect command for round tripping visual effects shots between DaVinci Resolve and Fusion!
Significant New Features 明显的新特性
• Improved edit timeline and color page UI performance
• Fusion Connect lets users send a clip(s) from the edit timeline to Fusion for compositing and when returned from Fusion they automatically replace the originating edit timeline clips
• The Source viewer now includes an optional Audio Overlay on Video
• Primary color palettes now include Temperature and Tint sliders
• Resolve FX – Film Grain, Lens Flares, Lens Blur, Light Rays and others
• Dramatically improved Spatial Noise Reduction – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Extended HDR grading controls, HDR scopes, HDR support for 16bit cache formats and HDMI 2.0a metadata – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Redesigned and improved Log grading controls with a Project Setting option to switch between legacy and new behavior
• Improved management of nodes and links in the Node editor
• Expanded Marker feature set
• Improved Titles with support in place editing
• Metadata keywords are now stored as text bubbles which are saved in a user dictionary and can easily be appended to multiple clips
• Easy to use Tags are now supported in Display Name, Burn-ins, render filenames and render paths
• New Media Pool Power Bins allow sharing content between multiple user projects
• You now have the ability to adjust via the inspector parameters for all selected clips or transitions
• Ability to create User Transition Presets
• Power Windows and ResolveFX can now be tracked with a Point tracker
• Edit Sizing now includes Lens Distortion Correction – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Added selection for 3:2 rendering of 23.976 and 24fps to 29.79fps and 30fps
• Audio can now be rendered in a single track or one track per channel
• Clip Retime effects are now adjustable using a Retime Curve in context with the timeline clip
• Dynamic Zoom for fast start and end positioning of still image transforms
• Expanded Multicam feature set
• Interlaced media can now be de-interlaced with optional normal and for some clips a high setting – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Added support for DaVinci Color Transform Language, .dctl for user defined color transforms – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Resolve Color Management now includes a checkbox and dropdown menu to separate gamut and gamma options
• Support for several new edit Transitions
• Expanded Keyframe and Curves feature set in the Edit timeline
• Clip metadata for selected or all Media Pool clips can now be imported with selection rules or exported using .csv format
• Spanish interface suppor
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