强大的 BCC(Boris Continuum Complete )视觉特效插件包
插件终于推出新版本 Boris Continuum Complete AVX v10.0.0
Boris Continuum Complete 为视频图像合成、处理 、键控、着色、变形等提供全面的解决方案,支持Open GL 和双 CPU加速,
BCC 10 拥有超过百种特效效果:字幕(3D字幕),3D粒子,老电影,光线,画中画,镜头光晕,烟雾,火等等,还有调色,键控/抠像,遮罩,跟踪,发光等等一系列风格化工具。
BCC 10 包括多种视频特效和多种视频转场,支持 Mac 苹果系统 AVID软件
Boris FX is a one of the leading developers of software and plugins in the VFX field, is known for many of the product lines are plugins for video editing software like Boris Continuum Complete (BCC), Final Effects Complete (FEC), Boris RED, Boris Graffiti, Boris FX, …
BCC includes over 200 + effects for a powerful film: 3D Objects, 3D particle effects, image restoration tools, lens flares and lights, keys and mattes, warp and perspective effects, and blurs, glows, … with the 1000 pre-sets is very convenient for users.
Boris Continuum Complete 10 新功能:
- Mocha 平面跟踪&遮罩工具集成到 bbc PixelChooser
- Beauty Studio – 皮肤修饰/美容工具
- Title Studio – 2D / 3D文字动画工具,支持Maxon Cinema 4D三维模型
- 新加入视频修复工具:
- BCC Remover – fills in missing pixels & removes objects with clone and auto-fill options
- BCC Dropout Fixer – restores tape based damaged footage with field dropouts.
- BCC Reframe – reformat and stylize “vertical cell phone footage” into 16 x 9 for broadcast.
- 新加入特效/转场插件:
- BCC Light Leaks – adds organic & naturalistic “in-camera” light and exposure effects.
- BCC Video Glitch – recreates the distressed look of compression artifacts, signal loss & corrupt digital
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